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 Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way

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PostSubject: Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way   Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way EmptySun Apr 07, 2013 6:23 am

The Gaea: The Old Way of Mankind


The Gaerds.


Of the spiritual community of the Gaerds, there are three denominations, but only two of which are practiced by the Highland peoples. The first is the traditional faith of the Gaerds, which reveres Kelund as the primary deity of their focus, and finding beauty in the life created by the Dead God. Another denomination is quite similar, but it brings into similar reverence Tyor as the patron of mankind, and Oden his father, whom continue to guide and watch over their people with their heavy gaze. The third un-practiced denomination is an alteration of the original tradition, however, shirking the view of other gods and praising mortalkind’s great strength and their ability to become gods themselves; this denomination is not of the Gaerdic belief system in orthodox, however, it is in fact the state religion of Occitan. The spiritual leadership of the Gaerds is helmed by wise elders who guide the community in matters magical and spiritual, in addition, they helm the rituals and festivities used to honor the dead, the world, the revered, and the divine. They mentor the young in the study of the sacred language of the Gaerds, the Stjarnamark, or Star-Sign, which is the sigilum derived from the stars above then put to written and spoken form.

The prior is what is considered the most orthodox of the Gaea, the truest of the old ways. Gaerds of this station often carry a dour nature about them, believing that this life will be the only that they receive, and that foul powers of the world may seek to trap their souls in foul magics, and result in them wandering gloomy, howling glens throughout their unlife, until being finally put to rest. The latter, the Talibarian influx of gods, creates afterlife imagery similar to the pact, and results in Gaerds whom will rush themselves to death to find honor and praise by the gods, or risk an afterlife of suffering.

The afterlife to most Gaerds is defined through a series of cultural affinities that have adjusted over time and area. Traditional-most Gaerds consider death to lead to a form of peace, a uniting back to the All that gave them life, and a sort of contentness and serenity that can only exist when the mortal limit of understanding has been passed mortal limitation, where man can exist as one and all. Also thriving since ancient times is the belief that when souls die, they are judged based upon their valor and honor; souls that have proved honorable reside in a paradise unending to serve as eternal vigils of the all against the foulness of the Grim Grey Gods; these spirits are engaged in constant revery, feasting, battle, song, all contained within the great hall of the gods at the base of Vedrvidr. In similar lines with this fate, souls have a toll of purgatory upon them at birth through which they must endure, which is reduced or lengthened based upon the honor of the individual. Those found cowardly, vile, or otherwise unworthy, are turned away from paradise, and sent to inhabit Shar's cold halls at the base of the Black Glacier, where under he dark presence, men lose all sense of pleasure and peace, and live in a cold dread. Even those Gaerds who take on other faiths seem to naturally carry these traits on with them, valuing honor and strength of character (or physical strength) throughout their lives.



Other, more obscure or incomplete Gaerdic standing stones make references of deities that don't have ample placing in today's world; such as the prehistoric, though rarely seen deity Corgnaal whom is almost exclusively referenced. Another is a deity by the name of Kymgaal, whom is discussed as having multiple physical forms throughout history with the same divine spark. Others exist, but not many are worth note.


A Culture, History, Mythology, and Philosophy.


The Dragon Coast today makes up a large stretch of country, moving from what is the southern border of Occitan’s Buchloe province, through the cape of the Vale, and descending down to the southern border of Sanctimonia. Despite being subject subject to the advances of modern technologies, the old traditions of the Highlanders still hold true, keeping their unique cultural flavor even in the face of different social settings and technology. The Gaerds also throughout history have been great men of the sails and of the frontier, making strides in nautical technology through traditional practices, and continuing to thrive in border ranges and those places far from civilization where they are accustomed. They have long been credited with establishing posts on the frontier and holding the bounds of trade routes that spawn from the great ocean to the east beyond even Sida.


The history of the Highlands, that of the Gaerds, is well established and ties heavily into their mythology. However, before delving into such material, one must understand the traditional names used by the Gaerds, and how they apply to the more civil dialects of Aeria.


The Dichotomy of Gaerdic Gods


Quote :
Ao – The All, Life, The monistic life force of all things

Light – Aesthar - Aspects: Lathandr and Kossuth

Darkness – Vanthar - Aspects: Selūn and Shar

Sharess – Surkhald – The Grim Grey God – The World Crumbler – The Elder Doom

Aten – Oden – Oden of Light – The Father of the Alfar – Eldest Brother of Kelund - Firelord

Selas – Selunas – Selunas of Spirit – Selunas whom is Mother

Shar - Shar (Same as above) - Darkness - The Elder Night - Queen of the Black Glacier - The Defector - The Dread King/Queen

Akash – Akossogr – Akossogr of The Mind

Kielm – Kelund – Kelund whose Corpse is the World – Kelund whose Corpse is Vedrvidr – The All Mother/Father

Tyr – Tyor – Tyor of Justice – Tyor who is Hammer and Gavel – The Vindicator

Ilmatyr – Aelmatar – Aelmatar of Wisdom – Aelmatar who Goes Without – Aelmatar of Last Solace

Voar – Vogr – Vogr of the Hunt – Vogr The Huntsmaster – Vogr who is Life and Death

Nazu – Linza – Linza who Once was Curious – Linza who Sees All – The Broken Soul

Velecar – Valcaar – Valcaar who Once was Patient – Valcaar who Sees All – The Foul Vigil - The Lord of the Elder Depths.

Dyaus – Dyaagr – Dyaagr of Fury – Dyaagr who Rules the Waters – Master of the Storm-Waves.

Nijal – Shar (Same as above) – Shar who Malefacts

Verumai – Shar (Same as above) – Shar who Spawns Plague – Surkhald’s Seeping Grasp

Sylornath – Surkhaldr – Surkhaldr of Demonic Rule - The Spawn of the Grim Grey God

Lloth - Shar (Same as above) - Shar whose veil is Yelot - Shar who Plots - Shar who Spreads Chaos

Tempus – Tympor – Tempus Born of Battle - Blade-Weigher - Battle God - God of Man

Helm – Frejm – Frejm who is Shield Father – Frejm Helmfather -- Lantern Lord - The Blue-Eyed Ward

Cyus – Caerus - Caerus of Glory

Moander – Mjander - Mjander of the Noxious Black – Tenant of Ginnungagap

Kelemvor – Kalmathor - Kalmathor who is Barrow Lord - Deathmaster

Sune – Sune - Sune of the Mortal Pleasure - Sune of the Birthing - Godhand - Forgemaster

Bane – Baan - Baan of Seething Hate - Surkhaldson - The Burning Evil

Bhaal – Baal - Baal who Bathed/Bathes in Blood

Ornulus – Ornaal - Ornaal who was/is Blood Chronicler – Blood Chronicler

Corgnaal – Unknown - Corgnaal the Dark Sleeping God – Corgnaal whom should Never Wake – The Sleeping Terror

Doomskr - Unaffiliated - The Elder Vigil - The White Wyrm - Sentinel - The Elderflame - Mentor

Kymgaal - Unknown - The Trespasser - The Reaper from Between - Star Demon - The Tempter

Last edited by Dominator046 on Tue May 28, 2013 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way   Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way EmptySun Apr 07, 2013 6:25 am


The Old Times: The All and the Universe – The Aldinn-Aevi Stones


Standing in a peaceful mountain glen, overlooking a beautiful river valley with a view that stretches for miles, are a ring of stones that have most likely borrowed the inspiration for their writing from landscapes such as these; dating back to shortly before the arrival of the elves, and showing as perhaps one of (if not the very) first uses of the traditional Gaerdic written language; these stones are the unified beliefs of the Gaerdic creation story put to stone in ages past. The ideals and values expressed therein are considered quite wholesome and valid; though some worry that elven tampering is present, most are quite confident that is not the case.



The Daybreak Times: The Dawn of Man – The Dagan-Aevi Stones


Believed to be the single oldest and most deified of all the Elder-Gaerdic sites is known as the Dagan stones, standing in the North of Vale in the center of a great field of many barrows. Dagan, meaning daybreak, is ominously close to a choice piece of material to which these stones entail: Dragons, or traditionally known as Draegar. These stones paint a colorful canvas of legend, regaling a time before written language, when man first began to rise up from the state of beasthood, and serves as the revelation of their religion as a Monism instead of a Polytheism. These stones entail the creation of man, the rule of the dragons, the faith of Kelund and the Vjattir, the Riddle of Steel, the Value of Honor, and Coming to Terms with Death. Some of these stories have been translated into the traditional Gaerdic language, and even common, and have been held as incredible stories of self discovery, faith, and hope.



The Early Times: The Beginning of History – The Snimma-Aevi Stones


One of the greatest sites of pilgrimage for the Gaerdic people is a ruin in Northern Sanctimonia where a ring of stones stands within the bounds of a great ruin; these stones are known as the Snimma-Aevi Stones, and they contain the first written record of the Highland History to be transposed either from a direct or secondary source. This record perhaps sets the bar for human history before that of other human societies, with records and accounts transcribed to stone as to better last the ages; though the accuracy is disputed amongst some, it proves vastly reliable. The site around the stones suggests it was once a great city, despite its great age and what little of it remains; though through the test of time, the stones containing the important depicted records remain, using Proto-Futhark Inscriptions that can be interpreted by anyone skilled in the traditional Highland script. In addition to providing a history of the Gaerdic people, it provides information on their religious beliefs; showcasing their world view and their place within it.



A Treatise on the Gaerdic People at the Behest of the Talibarian Emperor


An excerpt from an official Talibarian decree of acceptance and tolerance of the Gaerdic peoples upon missionary attempts to recruit some of their populace into proper adaptation into the Empire. Such was birthed by the effort of their religious preachers after time has passed, and attempting to appeal to their old tradition and bring them into seeing the divinity in the Elven Pantheon, and the pact as well.



The Terror of the Black Cities: An Account from a Gaerdic Caravan


An account taken from a Gaerdic travelling party taken before the God War, or their War of the Gods; and a following account taken some years after by a descendant of the band's leader. It shows a possible link between roughly hewn Gaerdic lore figures, and imposes questions upon scholars and Gaerdic Shaman to this day.


Last edited by Dominator046 on Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way   Mankind - The Gaea: The Old Way EmptySun Apr 07, 2013 6:42 am


The Stjarnadal: The Gaerdic Calendar.


Sunday - Selunsday
Monday - Aelmatarsday
Tuesday - Tymporsday
Wednesday - Vogrsday
Thursday - Tyorsday
Friday - Frejmsday
Saturday - Odensday

January - Jarna
February - Feroj
March - Myorn
April - Miadil
May - Manoc
June - Jorn
July - Jarn
August - Agron
September - Saegjar
October - Odin
November - Ovenbar
December - Domilac


The Stjarnadal: The Holy Days.


Aeskabod - January 31st-February 1st:
(Youth Festival)
A celebration marking the passing into the New Year and the things to come. Often, it is a celebration of youth, and involves the second greatest physical competition between Gaerdic holidays, second only to the summer event of Gullbod. Winter festivities run high, as do sparring events, and feasting. Similarly, the young of the Gaerds often find their allocation within the society around this time.

Astbod (Frejmbod) - February 14th
(Love Festival)
A tradition that helps step out of the common dourness of the Gaerds is their festival celebrating love of all sorts. Marked by displays of affection between members of the community, whether romantic or pleutonic, and no matter how small an act of such may be for a member of this society. Similarly, it has become a greatly anticipated day of hunt for the Gaerds, in which men will often try and pursue the greatest hunt for their spouse, and in doing such, bring back great bounty. This usually results in a feast.

Morkbod - March 20th:
(Forest Festival.)
A celebration marking the beginning of spring, and the beginning of the warm seasons. This is largely seen as a time of great life, blossoming, and fertility amongst the Gaerds, and is a frequently honored festivity. Feasts are held and aged wines sampled, and more often than not, this time serves as a favorite time to bestow Rights of Passage upon the Hunters of the Gaerds.

Hyrrbod - April 30th-May 1st:
(Fire Festival.)
This festival brings trandition and culture into the frequently dour hands of the Gaerds, showcasing their ideals and their naturalism, and distrust of foreign magery. The fire festival is overseen by the sages of the Gaerds, and is the holiday most influenced by their spiritual leaders. These sages write runes and wards, and bathe them in fire; either by tossing runes into a fire pit, or burning the wards upon sticks. These are to instill the people and the community with various effects as well as hope in the coming days, and can also be used to communicate with the spirits that roam the land.

Odensbod - June 21st:
(Oden's Festival.)
This early summer tradition brings honor to high Oden, whose namesake belongs within this festival. This festival is a time where the learned of the Gaerds, along with the sages, compile readings for the coming year, and similarly read signs from the gods to help read how the year should proceed. This is a common time for political movements and elections within Gaerdic communities, and also, include feasts rather frequently.

Gullbod - July 31st-August 1st:
(Gold Festival.)
A summer festival celebrating the height of the year, overlapping two days, both of which being the base for intense competition which hold honor throughout the year, until the next Gulbod. The passtimes and recreational activities of the Gaerds are at their most competitive these two days, and performance in this is coupled with a great deal of pride, and respect.

Fraendbod - September 22:
(Kin Festival)
A pleasant festival celebrated within Gaerdic communities as a time of communion and unity. Feasting is common, as are athletics and sporty displays of skill, strength, and ability for entertainment. This festival also marks itself as a powerful day for the sages of the Gaerds, whom view the skies in use of the Stjarnamark.

Haustbod (Kalmathor's Day and Aelmatarbod)- October 31st-November 1st:
(Autumn Festival)
A contestant for the most revered of all Gaerdic celebrations is Haustbod, and it is a two day span of deep cultural tradition. The first day is a day in which the Gaerds believe magic in the world nears its strongest, and that spirits and dark powers can easily take form upon the world. The Gaerds remain vigilant this day, and engage in rituals such as dirge-singings to ward off fell spirits, and or take battle to them. The next day is a day of somber dour reverence for those whom have passed on, along with feasting, but under the shadow of a much more tame atmosphere than most.

Aettbod - November 11th:
(Ancestor's Festival)
A revered ceremony preceding Drengrbod by some time, that plays host to various honorary rights of the dead and living ancestors of families, clans, and the Gaerdic people as a whole. Older Gaerds whom have time to spare, and are not needed for the Drengrbod celebrations in their own village, often make pilgrimages to holy sites throughout the Gaerdic lands, to arrive there for Aettbod, and honor those great heroes and dead that perished in times before.

Drengrbod - November 20th:
(Warrior's Festival)
It is this day that the Gaerds bring a feast honoring their greatest warriors and fighters, in which all may rejoice, feast, and make merry. This day is also carried out with great festivities in sports, games, feasting, sparring, and hunting; for these cumulative reasons, it is one of the most anticipated ceremonies of the Gaerdic tradition. Similarly, it also a day when youths are inducted into their combat training and receive their first sword.

Rikrbod - December 21st:
(Great Festival)
The Great Festival is a year's ending celebration in which men unite in joy and remembrance of all things triumphed and lost during the year, as well as a cold optimism for the next. This is generally the greatest feast of the year, met with great amounts of food and drink, and similarly, a fair amount of jovial act throughout Gaerdic communities.
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